borrowed this from my mom cause hers was so cool!
Favorite Christmas Song?Hymn Away in the manger outside song The Little Drummer Boy
Real tree or artificial? I always rather have a real tree smells like Christmas and since my room is right down the hall from the tree so I open my door to a whiff of Christmas tree.
Favorite Christmas food? HAM!!!!!!!!!!.
Homemade cookies or store bought? Homemade more fun store bought makes me sick.
Stay home or travel? Both.
Hardest person to buy for? My MOTHER!
Easiest person to buy for? My brother.
Open gifts Christmas Eve or Christmas day? We come home to filled stockings on Christmas Eve and open presents under the tree Christmas day.
Favorite gift as a child? TOO MANY but I love my American girl dolls.
Favorite memory? Just as of two days ago but my dog literally talking to us cause we left him on Christmas eve.
Favorite memory as a daughter/sister? Defiantly telling my dad that I was going to be a sister with my mom.
Do you decorate the whole house or just one room? We decorate the living room with the tree, stockings, garland on the banister and a nativity set. Dad does the outside lights. I sometimes have a humongous stocking in my room and this year i made a gingerbread house that is on the dining room table.
Clear lights or colored? I prefer simple clear with wreaths but this year we went all out to see what its like.
Most annoying thing about the holiday? Everyone asking "What do want for Christmas" after asking five times before. I don't like being put on the spot i have to think about it!
Do you send cards or e-mails? E-mails and family card that my mom does.
Strange holiday quirks? Need to make sure my brother has a good holiday though he will not matter what.
Do you tell people what to get you or do you like to be surprised? What I ask for I REALLY want but I also want to be surprised because I just do.
When do you usually finish your shopping? I collect around the year but usually a couple weeks before Christmas i start and Finnish that day I started or a week later at most.
What are some other memories? Some one always gets hurt Christmas eve never too serious but hurt never less.
the tree always falls! Last year our golden retriever ordainment Brooke during that so I gave a new one to mom this year.
I think the golden retriever ornament is my favorite gift this year....I am trying to decided whether to display it all year long or just at Christmas????
Loved your answers.
I think you picked a very thoughtful gift for your mother. You learn something about a person that is new. i didn't know you like ham.
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