Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday, April 18 2009

Here is todays word thing.

I did all of the words.prefix, art festival, income tax, chicken noodle soup, jump rope, Dutch Treat, flowering plum tree, bats in the belfry, diamond earrings, tigers book club, organic tea, the cow jumped over the moon, paragon of virtue, wench

Today’s story might be very confusing and not make sense. Just go along with it.
A story of a summary of a fake story.
At the Prefix or beginning of the story a book club went for a Dutch Treat at the Green Bay art festival.
There they meet their arch enemy club The O.T.DC.N.S.E.K. Organic Tea drinking Chicken Noddle Soup
Eating kakapos. So they left and went home to finish their discussion about the book Bats in the Belfry. A story that is considered a paragon of virtue. In that story the cow jumped over the moon by using a jump rope. A wench who only had a pair of diamond earrings left because her cow jumped over the moon
Had to pay an income tax so she sold her diamond earrings and moved in to a Jungle home under a flowering plum tree. Nearby there is a church with bats in the belfry. She becomes friends with the bats and lives quite well in her jungle home till tigers attack. The bats come to her rescue and save the day! The book club loved this book.

The End
This is Todays song Looking For Angels By skillit there is a funny song at the end
with the credits HAVE FUN!.



Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the book club loved the book. Great use of the words :)

Dr.John said...

Now that was different.
Poste you on linksy as soon as I knew you had posted.

bettygram said...

A story about a story cleaver.

Raven said...

Very clever use of the words! Sounds like an interesting book....

Melli said...

Bree, Bree, Bree - with two e's and not an i! I finally got it RIGHT! You are sO creative in your writing styles! I can tell you enjoy trying new things!

Akelamalu said...

Oh well played you used the words very cleverly. :)