Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday August 29 08

Welcome to jrbk9 news where we promise to bring you the best news.

school is starting soon so jrbk9 will most likely only be updated on weekends and not often.

We will see what happens.

Here is part 2 of the ribbons

The picture above is of the waterfall and the turtles in it at the zoo in washington d.c. Yes i also took them.


have you ever come to the conclusion that you room is absolutely hopless ok maybe not maybe youam so close bu tcan't get that little bit. Get the somueioplrtjatpeleoeopjemj the 2nd to insantly call 234-990 not a real product what are you people really that strange. Hey i want it .

Todays song is the more Downhere



bettygram said...

Good pictures. I listen to the song and then listened to many Blessed be Your name.

Dr.John said...

Love the pictures. Enjoy school.